f l o r a ;
Tuesday, August 16, 2011 | 7:14 PM | 0 flower(s)
I'm ignoring my malay paperwork... Again.

How the heck am I gonna study during the holidays if I keep this up?

The pathetic thing is that no amount of self-cursing, self-motivating, self-lecturing can make me pick my lazy bum up.

I'll try the malay again later.

I'll try to finish that before I continue watch Gokusen 1. I think I'm nearing the end.


Okay. I told you I'd start right? ... That was before I saw CSI:Miami on TV.

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brunei born and raised and trying to make the most of it. Blogging est 2008, thus includes unfiltered scars, red faces and blurred boundaries.

This skin 100% edit by syu.
& big helped; x x x