Let us do the victory dance! *EDITTED*
Monday, November 21, 2011 | 10:54 AM | 0 flower(s)
So yeah. HERE I AM! ![]() Some random dude/dudette just mentioned in my cbox to update, so here you go random dude/dudette that I don't even know! okay. just ignore that I've been watching too many videos from danisnotonfire, amazingphil, fred, charlieissocoollike and niggahigga lmfao. So..... THE END HAS COME! O LEVEL FINALLY ENDED!!! On the night itself, I was going to post something here via phone. It was almost finished and it was heck long and I was tired and stuff and then... IT DISAPPEARED! THE FREAKING POST JUST FREAKING DISAPPEARED ON ME. AND THERE WAS NO DRAFTS WHATSOEVER 'CUZ I WAS USING THE PHONE. MY LIFE SUCKS. So anyway. Updating the list!! I finished all the last 3 exams, obviously. and the wedding was hard labour like I predicted because we slept on the cold hard floor for 3 continuous days. and I have watched and played a few of the pokemon movie/games/series that brandon gave me. (thanks, bro!) I already packed a few of my stuff for my trip on the day after tomorrow and I'm so excited! I lost a textbook. boo hoo. and I watched the new season of Hawaii Five-O last night! It's been so long, Kono. :((((( Just can't resist to add that. Teehee. So anyways. I need to pee. Wait, that reminds me of a movie I watched yesterday: And She Was. *is trying to make Byrdie Langdon to focus on their serious talk* "Byrdie..." "I need to pee." "I am serious, Byrdie" "Well, I am serious!" *sigh* "Well, okay, fine. You go first then, go on! *shoos him to the toilet*" lmfao. okay. So. myterious random guy. I have updated. And I have a gun. *le gun* ![]() SO COME AT ME BROTHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. and can I just keep dan, phil, charlie and lucas(fred)? =x no? no? no? awwwwwwwwwww. AND OMG. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=vidMsubS3DE I LITERALLY WATCHED THIS OVER AND OVER AGAIN. ASDFGHJKL CAN I HAVE A RINGTONE TO THIS. THE SECOND TIME SHE TALKED. I kept melting to its cuteness omg xsgcdjehsfa.fn4i;htq4iekfknl/ewiaj4hfjkmnk |