Sunday, August 28, 2011 | 12:51 AM | 0 flower(s)
I've been playing along an idea of posting up random facts about yours truly for some time now. Considering I'm having the mood now, I'll do a few. XD 1) stating the obvious, I am in love with Hawaii Five-0, CSI: NY, CSI: Miami and I also enjoy shows like NCIS, Criminal Minds, CSI, Glee Project (Cammy and Damion 3) I have a big fat lazy ass. I'm the laziest in my family. 4) I'm so fickle, I seem to change my mind every few seconds. I also change personalities fast. Even in a matter of months. 5) I always think that I have succeeded in figuring myself out but then something happened and I got lost again. 6) I don't really like the word 'I'. That's why, in stuff like Twitter, I usually start of with something like 'Is doing blablabla' and not 'I'm doing blablabla' not sure why though 7) I hate flies. Scared of them lol. I hate how they sound when they're near my ear. 8) I'm a hopeless romantic deep down. 9) I'm sleepy bye *editted* 10) I'm paranoid. Ghosts scare the crap out of me. 11) I have this huge appetite. Reaaaaaaaaally huge appetite. lol 12) i love tea. just saying. 13) My most used 'phrase': 14) No one knows who I really am. Not even me. |