f l o r a ;
When Sleep Evades
Saturday, December 3, 2011 | 8:51 PM | 0 flower(s)
I'm shleepy orz. But I felt obligued to post this first before my lazyass kicks in. So yeah, you may have to wait a little longer if you want to know more about my trip. =x

Well anyways, today was my appointment day! Whew, after about 6-5 months. xD;;

I think I've already mentioned that it's not cancer. (thank god) but it doesn't hurt to mention it again, right?

Oh what am I saying?

Sorry, okay. To those long time readers (yes, I'm talking about you, Kim!) I bet you know what I'm talking about.
But to those who still didn't get it, I meant my thyroid appointment. (my dental for braces was on the 30th xD)

Dr. Sara said that she couldn't feel the 2.5cm nodule anymore but she's taking precationary steps so she gave me another date to the ultra sound crew again.
(and also the blood tests)

Oh and to those who didn't know about this earlier, I suggest you go and study a bit about thyroid diseases to understand. xD;; there's a thing called Google, you know.

(Oh, and also, be prepared for some Biology, lol)

Now to the Bio stuff!
All I learned today is that:
My thyroid's functioning well but my antibodies and hormone levels are pretty high. Meaning, that the body was/is (remember that the tests were taken a few months ago, they had to send some to Singapore) getting ready to fight.

Don't get it?
Its like a war.
My antibodies and hormones are preparing themselves for a war.
Against who, you ask me?
Against my thyroid.
Yeah, I wonder what Thyroid did to my body to be in this mess too.

So anyways, I'll quote now:
"The antibodies were preparing to attack your thyroid. Your thyroid is/was slowly being destroyed."
Yep. I know. Cool words. I was expecting for some medical, complicated explainations. xD turns out I'm smart enough to understand, lmfao, whut.

Well, at least it's not cancer! 8D;;

She also said that my physical body has been showing symptoms of Hyperfunction disorder. (or something like that)
See here, as you all know, thyroid is a gland that secretes hormone thyroxine that controls our metabolism.
So I've already suspected that because nowadays I eat less and I've noticed the symptoms too. (shivering, anxiety etc) I'm not that stupid, besides, Google helped.
There's another, which is Hypofunction.
Wait, I think I vaguely remember reading this in my Bio notes/textbook...
Something along the lines of:
Hyperfuction: too little thyroxine
Hypofuction: too much thyroxine

You can even see it as malnutrition and overnutrition. xDb okay, I shouldn't have made that into a joke, sorry orz.

My next appointment would be next year on the 4th & 7th of Jan. And so does my dental for braces! 8D (with braces, I'd be more of a nerd in no time!)

So that's the end of today's appointment! Whee~~

I've been on a roll in writing drabbles these last few days. 8D;; it's fun!
I'll post them up soon in my LiveJournal. I've already posted the Songfic drabblets. =x

I hope people enjoy reading my work as much as I enjoy writing them. =x

© 2011-2014.

brunei born and raised and trying to make the most of it. Blogging est 2008, thus includes unfiltered scars, red faces and blurred boundaries.

This skin 100% edit by syu.
& big helped; x x x