Resolutions & First Days
Sunday, January 8, 2012 | 3:01 PM | 0 flower(s)
![]() random picture; follow your dreams | tumblr Empty promises... It's becoming quite a trademark for me isn't it? It's still giving my conscious a hard time, you know. So I'm updating now to at least, fill those promises a bit, even if it's just a quarter. At least they're not so empty now, don't they? Oh who am I kidding? Beware, this may turn out to be a very long post. I hope I won't bore you out or even worse, make your eyes very sore with this. But heck. Well, let's see. *rubs palms together* We'll start off with the New Year's Resolutions! Quite frankly, I've forgotten all about resolutions during the New Year. In fact, I don't even remember what I did during New Year! haha! I hope that didn't jinx my year or anything, if I even believe in stuff like that. But just for kicks, I'll just sum it all up.
Anyways, that's just a few teeny tiny bit of your usual New Year's Resolutions. I bet everyone's bored with them already, haha! Moving on, let's talk about the first day of school. The day was full of excitement. I met with the others, we've got this intense schedule thing that mindfucked everyone for the first few minutes. But I guess, people are adapting now, aren't they? The new changes made everyone felt like they were moved to a different school. haha! Can you believe that even though everyone's been here for the past 5 years, they still got lost finding their next class? it was chaotic! Not to mention hilarious. and don't worry, yours truly had her fair share of moments too, you know. Well anyways, here are my classes, including my subject buddies! Registration class: PU1P English 'AS' Language: Fifi, Zahrah, Wanis, Sharifah. Chemistry: Hadri Biology: Iffah, Slocum Maths: Hazim, Liwani I have PS with Brandon! That cheered me up. Although there's a possibility of me running around the campus searching for teachers rather than staying and hanging out with Brandon but nyeeeh. Just let me be happy for once, okay?! To be honest, I'm kind of in a rush. We're going out later for the Consumer Fair 9! Whoop, whoop! Originally, all of this is not the main reason I wanted to blog about but I'll just do that in another post, okay? :) See you in the next post! p/s: turns out this is not a long post after all. =x haha! my bad.