Thursday, December 30, 2010 | 9:53 PM | 0 flower(s)
went to Miri yesterday with Ka Miera. :) the HMB family excluding Abg Bazli and including unique went to Miri the day before for 2 days and 1 night. we were supposed to wake up at 4. I even set the alarm the alarm at 3.45, but we ended being scolded because we woke up 4.30. damn. one thing lead to another we came to Belait at approximately in 1-hours time. Daddy reached 120km/h at constant speed. O.O whoot. its been so long, Miri. I didn't noticed you have that many eye-candies. *kiraikirai* LUL. We met the others at the Parkson where the clothes were :O the urge to buy everything was too much but it was expensive like heck. I went to Popular, a bookstore located somewhere in Parkson. I felt pure bliss. Its like Heaven. couldn't buy anything though (NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.) because we had to go to another store. After that I became this awkward teen that couldn't seem to just socialize with her cousins. the others, unique included were there joking around and goofing around & I was left there, ignored. I read Fifi's blog and she mentioned about how she went out alone, shopping I think, in Frankfurt. I was itching to do the same 'cause I don't know ..maybe it would ease the mixed feelings I felt at that time. Bad move, 'cause I kept being scolded for wandering off alone. Dang it, I was going to buy this pretty pink bow tie necklace that costs RM 9.90 when they messaged me. Anyways I noticed that RM 50 is so not suffice me when I'm out s hopping in another country. Like, really. I was going to buy Marked this book of House of Nights (?) but decided against it because of the above reason. Its pretty popular among us, but I haven't had a chance to read it. Is it really that nice? If any of you have the book, may I borrow it? :) Please and Thank You. I was planning to buy the full series of Harry Potter, but I couldn't find it at Popular. Dang it. Howell, better luck next time. Miri was full of Bruneian tourists like OMG. I felt like I WAS in Brunei. No Malaysian accents like seriously. ALL DAY, all I'm hearing was ''Ani nda lawa, yang ani barutah, kaler adi atu bida ah. Cari lah yg damit. Cua ko tanya urangnya." etc etc etc. Met MS-ians, Lumapas-ians but they didn't noticed me. Even my cousins said that that the room in the hotel they were staying was the last one because the hotel was full of tourists, and you guessed it, most of them Bruneians. Miri was VERY crowded, like VERY. Well, I ended up buying my RM 29.90 ish school shoes, 2 dresses & an audio CD of David Archuleta & Taylor Swift. (what? It was pretty cheap! in Brunei they usually cost about $4 but here they cost about RM 5 and I was too lazy to download the songs.) Couldn't believe I only bought that. O.O and my mum have to pay for one of the dresses. LOL. okay. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() okay okay. I'm off. :) p/s: shoooot, school's almost here dang it. I bet I'll be the only one in the world who spends her New Years Eve under heaps of homewok, revising and organizing cussing and swearing to myself asking why I was being such a procrastinating lazy bummer and let myself into this mess. I wish. :( Okay, I'm trying to resist the urge to play Pokemon or Sims. |