Friday, December 31, 2010 | 11:32 PM | 0 flower(s)
![]() OHAI. ITS NEW YEARS EVE! Happy New Years Eve my dear readers. I love you~ New Year : SungMin's birthday. Saengilchukhahae SungMin sshi! ddo Sahaebok Manhi Badeuseyo~ ![]() Easily, the reason I posted up this is because to celebrate New Year with you guys! Mum took Daddy's mobile. So I can't go online. I'm doing this in a WordPad. :( I'll post it up with my mobile later (which literally eats up my credit. OMNOMNOMNOM. FFFFUUUUUUUU.) So yeah. in Facebook they're playing this number game. someone'll inbox you a number, and you have to describe about them as your status. its quite fun, but is very iresome and a bit of a nuisance. especially if you're on mobile. As I'm the type who doesn't like to make people wait. I had to rush everything so everything that I posted up is more like a spur of the moment hing. I just typed whats on my mind when I think of that person. While others, they talk bout the appearance of that someone, how they look cute in glasses, blablabla. yesh, I'm talking about Unique. yesh. how pathetic of me. He messaged me this: 243- Weell, you are my cousin's cousin. I knew you had a crush on me time kita main bouncer,first sight love (he said it). talkative. pandai. Your english is wayy too good than mine. (he said it) * jealous abg oh * pemajal pisinnya. Always kelaie sama abg, even small matter. Inda suka tidur bila ada guestss drumah even mata udah ngantuk. friendly. Always smile even inside she's dying. I know that. (and you didn't even do anything about it. you just stand there and watch me burn. I guess its not alright for me, 'cause I'm no Rihanna, I dont love the way you lie. :) ) inda suka ngalah. hmm, be a good sister =) do your tanggungjawab as a big sister. Biar drg bangga to have you. suka dancing. addicted to Korean songs. Suka warna pink.i guess. (EET! wrong. :P) Capat marah bila kana timbak leh jipun* ofcourse lah, semua bini2 catu* hahaa. It was basically mostly all true. It was embarassing. =='' but I guess thats what I supposed I deserved. He's going back home tomorrow. I'll post up more of these (yang one of my favourite's lah) tomorrow if sampat. I really wish 2011 can fade this stupid pathetic lil crush that I have and make me forget about hope it is to fall in love by crushing me to the desk, forcing me to study for my exams so that I can go to UK with my darlings Wani Matkassin, Kim Hui Lim & Shafiqah Aleyas. Others, if you wanna join, welcome aboard. :D okay. lets just stop talking about unique. he makes me feel stupid. As we're feeling the New Years Heat (I mean Cold. :P) I'll just post up New Years Resolution here, okay? 1) simple. work hard. work smart. obtain that SULTAN'S SCHOLARSHIP. 2) meet Hafeez Khairul Nizam. like SIRIUSLY. see what I did thar? :D 3) Ace your Os. 4) Decisions, Decisions. remember life is like a game of Pokemon. choose the right move and you'll weaken the foe at a great position and you can capture it with a Poke ball and it will be yours to keep. Choose wrongly, everything will fall apart and you can't capture it. Choose wisely and you'll succeed. 5) Stop making procrastination as a habit. 6) stop going online and playing Pokemon that often. study study study. 7) Put that 3-month-planne-before-Olevels thing into action! 8) get ready for your June O Level. :O 9) MATURE MATURE MATURE. 10) when hurt, put on your most dazzling brightest smile. dont let people know. 11) Discuss with Wani more about universities in UK. :D thats about it I think. I cant think of anything else. I'll be heading off now! have a wonderful New Year! p/s: whats this I'm hearing? MS form 5 2011 students are going to school on the 4th? really? tell me in my cbox! |