Grad, Missions, Flawless Hair & Depression. (plus other stuff)
Tuesday, January 28, 2014 | 11:14 PM | 0 flower(s)
I think being an unemployed 18 year old who have just recently graduated have altered my sense of duration and time. It reminds me how the Greek Gods and all the immortals were explained to have "treated the passing of Time as if a million years were just mere hours." But of course, in my case it's a more subtle concept of idea: I had almost started the post with "I missed three days worth of posts.." when in actuality I have flurried by about five days. I am not sure that this is relevant to anything that's going to be in this post, not to mention if this is also a good idea to START a post - but I go by The Power of The Fingers so I shall trust Them and just go with the flow. (aka this is probably not a very good nor particularly interesting approach to write something.)So first thing first - I could never have imagined being bombarded with so many things in so little time like what I am experiencing right now - and I can tell you that I have experienced so many hiccups and sneezes in my life: travelling, battling cancer, battling depression (still working on that), school activities - I don't think I have been through my life as much as what I have gone through the past few days. But maybe I'm exaggerating. I never planned to talk about intricate details of how my days goes by even if the DailyBlogProject seems to indicate that I should do something like that - but for the sake of explaining the previous paragraph, I shall try and challenge myself to do it - not just for this reason but for the purpose of explaining to my future self about what had happened and how I could probably learn from it (or maybe not). So as the third post of the dailyblogproject, I shall take the time to congratulate not only to myself (because whew - managed to tick that tiny box beside "graduate college" in my to-do list) but to everyone else that has spent 6/7 years in Before I end this part of the post (I may make a post specially for graduation but we'll see how The Power of The Fingers thinks) I want to extend my gratitude to everyone who have helped and supported me, who have welcomed me as their friend, as their student, as their company in this school. I have made uncountable good and bad memories and I love and cherish (also cringed at some) them in equal measures. Through thick and thin, through dark and light, you have been the biggest part of my life. I have spent more days than I could have liked under your surveillance, under your wing - and I know it is just a part of my journey, a part of of your plan to let me go and become my own dove. Thank you for the friends, thank you for the teachers, thank you for the memories and thank you for the love you have provided. I would surely miss you and I would surely miss our time together. Thank you, Maktab Sains. Thank you.
(pictures stolen from mama wenwen's blog hehe)
For you gossipers out there though, here's just a little something something that might be more of your taste: I have finally, finally, finally, expressed my feelings towards someone I have known for quite a while. I may never had thought about you for every single day through out those years, but then I was in denial. I still have no name for this feeling however, but will we ever find out, I wonder? Hopefully we could let tomorrow reveal what murky and foggy future we can have - or can not have. Again, as what I have prepared before this "Mission", I will not be expecting anything at all - in actual fact, I would be expecting the same thing I have felt after I have told you everything at 3.30AM at one of our country's finest luxury hotel: absolute nothingness. It was the first time in my 18 years of living, to experience that sort of feeling - it is even more indescribable than how I felt for you - which could be the most indescribable thing in this planet (oh, but seriously.) Like I have once said, after relentless attacks of "what happened and are you okays", I have felt nothing - neither happiness nor sadness; I am not sad (because I have finally told you what I have been dying to tell you for years) yet I am not happy (possibly because of your reaction - which though I almost already expected) I am fully and thoroughly confused. In a way, even though there's a glint of hope that you would actually reciprocate this Indescribable Feeling, I have already in hindsight - like the leaky faucets in unused sinks of a mansion - expected that there Is Probably No Future. Knowing you and knowing me, this would be one of a heck of a Something. The question forever remains: What will become of us? On a lighter, yet still saucy note - have I ever mentioned that I listen to a podcast called Welcome To NightVale? (Don't worry, the good stuff will come in a bit.) In the podcast, the DJ met someone called Carlos whom he claimed had the most gorgeous hair of all time - and he is since then dubbed as Carlos With The Gorgeous Hair. I, have found myself a Carlos With The Gorgeous Hair on the first day of rehearsals. Though, I have to stick with calling him Carl With The Flawless Hair (twitter hashtag would be #cwtfh just because) as to avoid copyright infringements. It was also my mission to tell him how I feel about his existence in my books and this didn't take as long as I thought. It's nothing more than a few sugar and adrenaline that helped me said what I have longed (i.e few weeks) to say: I really, really, really, like your new hair cut.
Telling him that right after I took a picture for him and Mission #1 wasn't actually the greatest idea, but as the friendly soul he is, he just went with the flow and took it with stride.
More talks with him later, I conclude that I have this addiction of complimenting him and telling him everything I have ever felt about him (yep, even the Carl thing - I win that round, Nurin.) just to see his cool stride and awkward smiles - oh, he is just too adorable not to mess with. (If you're reading this right now Carl, I wish you good luck.) Hey, like I've mentioned to him before - it's graduation day and I have pretty much nothing to lose! I may be the person with the worst first impression to him but at least he only had to deal with it for a few times before we go on with our own ways.
(I am reminded of what he said when I asked him whether or not the Carl thing was weird and creepy or not: "mmmmm average? hmmm yeah, average.")
Heck yeah, baby.
So if you're reading this right now Carl With The Flawless Hair - which I honestly doubt but you never know, I may link you in a tweet just to mess with you again, thank you for your aesthetically-pleasing presence during the last days we spent as being students. (and I hope you know that I only said the creepy, weird comments just to joke around - I'm a normal, shy, average person... probably. *insert creepy ass grins*)
The time I have spent at the Empire Hotel was almost phenomenal - the roller coaster rides of emotion is almost like a never ending dream and fantasy - I spent time with close ones and I have rid of myself future regrets of not telling people things that I wanted to tell. Lastly, top it off with some of the most burdensome feelings I have ever felt: post graduation feelings. I am almost glad that mine wasn't as severe as most but I'm still feeling bad just as well. I am surprised I haven't shed a tear for this occasion given that I'm what you would call "tear sensitive" - someone who couldn't bear watching people cry without crying herself. Have I grown somewhat colder over the pass few years?
I would also want to take this time to highlight about one of my close friends' surprise party. Didn't expect that at all did you? 4 years and counting, thank you for listening to my rants, thank you for spending time with me. Thank you for being born, Thank you for ever meeting me. You are one of the few reasons I would ever feel bad about leaving MS. But I know that we'll meet again because we're just that inseparable. I love you, girl, so live it up and enjoy the rest of your days!
Another thing I wanted to mention though is how I managed to pull an all-nighter! (the closest one was during the Pure Maths Exam for which I only slept for half an hour.)
I found out that watching the sunrise together wasn't a really unique idea considering a good amount of MS people in their varsity jackets and jammies were out and about at the beach waiting for Mr. Taiyou-san (such puns much funny) Sucks for everyone though because it rained. But at the very least we got ourselves some fresh air.I spent the night hours wandering around the vicinity with a close friend - crashing the 5E room, writing messages on loved ones' grad books, not to mention, talks with #cwtfh! Should I also mention that he innocently interrupted my "mission"? but then who would resist this bundle of cutes. (hey bro just want to say that I'm cherishing our picture together - minus my ugly face of course - even until this moment.) ![]() Unfortunately, I have gotten sick for two days yesterday, obviously from either the rain or the lack of sleep but I would like to think of it as a tool for Fate to knot itself together with others. If it wasn't for my sickness, my mother wouldn't have managed to bait my also sick cousin to go to the nearby clinic and find out that he has the possibility of having acute ischemia. Those were bad times, and it wasn't helping me get better in my situation. But I'm fine now and he is too - though I'm still a bit weary about everything. At this point, experiencing everything in the span of two days, it was almost too much to bear. Could you imagine? I haven't even told you guys everything that has happened, and it has already taken me this long of a post. I hope the wall of text were more gentle to your eyes than to mine. Lastly, I have just received a call from my aunt saying that she wants me to talk to their neighbor who recently got diagnosed with cancer. I am still in shock by her favor that I can only remember some words: "strong" "depressed" "help" "get through". Imagine a person like me trying to help someone of similar situation. Which reminds me of something I have read during one of my lowest moments:
It's not going to work.
You don't get it. It's harder than just talking about it. Everything is harder with the demons. But the thing is everyone doesn't know that. All they see is a "strong" girl who have survived cancer. Believe me I didn't do much during the battle except cry at my fate. So I doubt that I'm worthy of any title other than pathetic and worthless. I'm not going to even go there right now, but I'm still tagging this with "writing in a spell" because I'm feeling it right now. Welp, sorry for how this ended guys. Labels: cwtfh, dailyblogproject, mission, writing in a spell |